Thursday, April 9, 2009

New job

So I have been out here almost 2 weeks and yesterday I started a new job. I am working part time at staples. yeah, its not the ideal job nor pays what I used to make, but it is something and I am happy to have it. Though sometimes I get frustrated because I do have to make changes, things are going really well. Erika is very happy and Ben has not kicked me off his couch yet. hopefully I can pick up another job or a better one but I feel confident things will work out.

I miss my Tennessee family. Happy Easter everyone


Unknown said...

Congratulations. It'll get you by while you look for something you really want. We miss you, too, especially since Lauren and her bunch are here.

Lauren said...

I'm sure something will open up soon. Have you tried going to the place on BYU campus that helps find jobs? I doubt you have to be a student. Worth a shot! Happy Easter!