Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Saturday Night Party

I feel lucky. Saturday night after Erika finished up at work, we got together with a couple of her co-workers in the food court office and played board games till late in the night. We got some food and had a really fun time. We played "Betrayal at the House on the Hill" which is a really interesting out of print game. Erika won. In fact, she won every game. Even our insanely long game of "Phase 10" which lasted till 1:30 in the morning. The cool thing was the Wilk closes at 11:30 on Saturday nights, but since the other three people parting have after-hours access so it was cool. Its been a long time since Erika and I had been up that long. However, its a good thing we do not have church till 1 because it was 10 before we got out of bed.


erikab said...

LOL! Funny thing is, I was one of the ones who has after hours access, and we were back in the office, but I still was afraid the police were going to come and... well, I don't know. Kick us out?

Miss Taylor said...

Haha. Sounds like fun! And Erika, I would've been worrying the same thing... Lol.

Unknown said...

Sounds like fun. I would have been nervous, too. Must be a girl thing.